3 Books to Massively Improve Your Dating & Sex Life

Are you getting the women you want?

Do you have your pick of sexy, interesting women who text you back at lighting speed, are always down to hang out, and are passionate wildcats in bed?

…Or, are you like most men:

  • confused,

  • frustrated,

  • completely clueless to why women SAY they like one thing (flowers, cards, chocolates), yet seem to always chase after men who do the complete opposite:(“assholes”, men who ignore them for weeks, fuck other women, cheat, lie, etc.)

It’s not your fault.

There’s a lot of bullshit advice in the world about what women are SUPPOSED to like.

Supposedly well meaning people who love you, will tell you that “communicating your feelings”,

Being a “sensitive” man “in touch with his feminine side”,

and treating a woman like princess,

are the keys to unlocking the love and devotion of the women you desire.

We already know what happens when you treat women the way they SAY they want.

If you’re the type of man that has listened closely to women complaining about the “jerks” that never listen to them, then tried to embody all the characteristics they’ve told you they like, the results are predictable:

You have a dozen of female “friends” who “love you like a brother!”

Sure, they appreciate when you drop everything to run errands for them, do handyman projects, bring over chocolate ice cream and listen to them cry over the “assholes” they are actually fucking.

All “nice guys” know this feeling.

As she sobs over the “fuckboy” who screwed her best friend, you sit there in astonishment.

You feel mystified, wondering why women CHASE men that treat her like crap, when you’ve spent MONTHS demonstrating that YOU are a “good guy” that cares about her.

Rise and Shine

You need to wake up.

Despite what women SAY, they are constantly demonstrating what they ACTUALLY respond to, with their actions.

Think about a man you know that has lots of success with women.

He has a smoking hot girlfriend that is always all over him, or he’s had several beautiful women in his life in succession.

One after the other, you see him with sexy women that follow him around like a puppy.

Is that guy an effeminate, whimpering Ross from “Friends” type?

Not likely.

Not a chance.

He might not be a brawny, “man’s man” lumberjack stereotype, but he’s definitely a masculine guy who is self-assured, funny, and confident, even a little too cocky.

Women Are Simple

It only took once for me to experience the confusion and frustration of “The Friend Zone”.

“I’m being SO NICE to her…”, I thought.

“I make her laugh,… I’m a good listener. I’ve even made her dinner a couple times!

Then, finally, frustrated and out of patience:

“…Why isn’t this working?”

I went in a search for answers, and found a wealth of advice on seduction, dating, and female psychology.

The good news is: Women Are Simple.

They respond to certain behaviors: confidence, humor, masculinity, so predictably that you can set your watch to it.

“Anything that can be done can be systematized.

If it is to be done well, it has to be.

Any result can be mastered, then successfully replicated over and over: from driving a stick shift, hitting a free throw, to seducing women.”

-Solitary Beast

Three Books That Changed My Life

These books are the foundational material to help you understand the very basic, predictable female brain.

It turns out that female attraction is not a mystery.

The behaviors women are drawn to aren’t difficult to do, or understand.

They are counterintuitive to the logical way most men think, which is why seduction can often seem baffling and cryptic.

Attraction Is Simple

If you can play tic tac toe, you can seduce beautiful women over and over and over.

Leading beautiful women into bed will be as routine to you as making a sandwich.

Something that many men think of as shrouded in secrecy is, in reality, very simple.

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How to Be A 3% Man- Corey Wayne

This text is legendary, with many men considering it THE BIBLE of dating and seduction.

The other two books on this list compliment the information in 3% Man, but this book is ESSENTIAL, and should be read first.

Author Corey Wayne outlines EXACTLY what to do and say, and, more importantly, NOT do and say, to seduce women.

He walks men through every single step of seduction: the initial approach, first date, sex, and long term relationship, if that’s what you want.

Simply read his book (he recommends that you go through it 10 - 15 times to internalize the information) and do what he says.

Your dating life will change INSTANTLY, from the first time you employ his techniques, then get better and better every time after that.

Wayne says that “only 3% of men in the world understand women”, and in my experience, he is correct.

Women themselves have confirmed this, swooning over how different I am from other guys they date.

Women I’ve dated regularly shower me with gushing compliments like:

“You’re SO DIFFERENT to all the other guys I’ve dated!”

“I’ve never met a man like you!”

“I wish I had met you sooner!”


all because of the concepts I’ve learned in his book.

If you only read ONE book on relationships in your entire life, make it this one.

Biggest Idea:

“Women are like cats.

If you try to call or chase a cat, it just runs away and hides.

The better strategy is to relax, be indifferent, and let women come to you.”

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Attraction Is Not A Choice- David DeAngelo

“Women don’t really care if you’re a “nice guy”.

“Nice” doesn’t light up their emotions and make them feel GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION.” -David DeAngelo

Pound for pound, this is the BEST book on understanding how to trigger attraction in women that I’ve ever read.

It’s full of quotes that grab your attention and get you to understand how different women are in how they think, what they want, and what they respond to.

DeAngelo explains that the way that women think is usually THE OPPOSITE of how men do.

“Just like driving a car in reverse”, he teaches.

Once you understand and get a little practice, it’s easy.

“Learning to make women feel attraction for you is much the same way.


But the more you practice, the more you start to see that even though it isn't logical IT DOES HAVE A PATTERN AND A METHODOLOGY TO IT.”

Attraction Is Not A Choice COMPLETELY revolutionized my mindset on interacting with women.

“Most people have met HUNDREDS of attractive women.”

“A REAL MAN, however,

who has his life together,

is FAR MORE RARE AND DESIRABLE than an attractive woman.”

Biggest Idea:

Women LIKE attractive men.

By being the most attractive version of yourself, and feeling the confidence and cockiness that comes with that, you give women the rare experience of meeting a guy who “gets it”.

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Atomic Attraction- Chris Canwell

Chris Canwell is a psychologist who uses research and case studies to illustrate his ideas about attracting and seducing women.

As a clinician in the field, his book explores the SPECIFIC attributes that spark attraction in women. He cites studies done in universities and organizations to reinforce his claims.

Canwell also uses short story examples to bring the concepts to life, a technique employed by all great teachers, from Socrates to Jesus.

Halfway through the FIRST chapter of Atomic Attraction,

I changed my haircut, got a nose piercing, threw out my ill-fitting, raggedy clothes, and invested in several new outfits to enhance my style.

The results were immediate.

Guys at work noticed, and complimented me on my style.

Every day, a colleague would go out of his way to offer me sincere admiration on my new appearance.

The compliments boosted my confidence, which made me look and feel even more attractive.

For example:

“Did you get a nose piercing? It looks great!”

“Man, I love your style- nice pants!”

Women Started Approaching Me

Women responded by being more open to me when I approached them.

In conversations, women praised my new style.

For the first time ever, several attractive young women approached me in bars.

Because they were attracted to me, the conversations flowed more easily.

Asking for their number was a breeze; they came home with me sooner, on the first and second date, with me barely trying.

Things that once seemed like an uphill struggle, like getting a woman’s attention for a conversation, “just happened”, effortlessly.

DeAngelo’s book is about mindset.

Atomic Attraction explicitly instructs you on EXACTLY what to do: how to physically look, speak, and carry yourself to cause women to have NO CHOICE but desire you.

Biggest Idea:

Masculine traits such as confidence, strength, indifference, and decisiveness are inherently attractive to women.

These traits come naturally to men, but are beaten down by feminized Western society.

Atomic Attraction simply shows you how to go back to your true self.

In Conclusion

If you are a man who wants more from his dating and sex life, you have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain by understanding the concepts in these books.

Many men are confused and frustrated by women.

We crave the affirmation that comes with experiencing a woman truly LUSTING after us, the type of desire that will have a woman clear her calendar, cancel plans with friends, and move Heaven and Earth to see us.

The information in these three books will explain how men can create that reality for themselves.

Women are considered a dark, unknowable mystery, but the truth is that they are simple creatures who respond to the same things predictably.

Each of these authors explains what those traits are, and how to implement in your relationships with women.

No matter who you are, you will win with women if you read these books.

Get them on audio book form and listen to them at work, during your commute, and while working out.

Listen to them more than once.

You’ve been false programmed by years of watching the sniveling, sensitive guy get the girl in movies.

Take an active role in de-programming yourself, and finally achieve the success you want.

Apply To Work With Me

As an Attraction Consultant, I mentor men in the mindsets and skills that lead to success with women.

Fast client results 💪

My strategies work to help men:

🎯 Build rock solid inner confidence

🎯 Learn the subtle behaviors that attract women naturally

🎯 Bring 3- 5 quality dates into their lives- in the FIRST 30 DAYS

To get started seducing beautiful women, naturally, shoot me an email today.

Send an email with the subject line “ATTRACT” to SolitaryBeastBlog[at]gmail.com, and I’ll get in touch immediately.

Get ready to win.

-Solitary Beast